Tranquil Wood Transfer Ultrasonic Diffuser - 100 ml

Tranquil Wood Transfer Ultrasonic Diffuser - 100 ml


  • $64.00

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When you think of a fragrance or essential oil diffuser, one of the words that perfectly describes the atmosphere created is, “tranquil.”  Aromar Tranquil Wood Diffusers bring nature indoors to help initiate that soothing feeling as quickly as possible. All of Aromar's diffusers are user friendly & stand out from the competition for many reasons. Perhaps the greatest reason of all is that Aromar ultrasonic diffusers don't use heat to warm the oil, rather, their ultrasonic technology doesn't use heat. As a result, the user receives more of the benefits from the oil. It is really easy to burn oil when heating it, but utilizing ultrasonic vibrations ensures this doesn't happen.

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